Two years technical cargo managment for the Combi Docks I and III operating in time charter for the Gorgon Project including three shipments of the amine absorbers 1600 mt (RO-RO).
Technical cargo management of several shipments of heavy lift cargo to the QCLNG
Project including modules
and other LNG site equipment in Gladstone Australia.
Several heavy lift discharging operations have been managed in Onslow Australia
on the Wheatstone Project
with different carriers.
Darwin - Australia
Henderson - Australia
Port Hedland - Australia
Rostock - Germany
Le Havre - France
Fenit to Jeddah
Siracha - Thailand
El Ferrol - Spain
Bunbury - Australia
Bilbao - Spain
Bilbao - Spain
Rostock - Germany
Bilbao - Spain
St Nazaire - France
Hamburg - Germany
Calm Bouy - Australia
Vessel - Korea
Vessel - Malaysia
Crane - Singapore
BP Angola - Norway
Exchanger - Turkey
Gangway - Norway
Crane - Germany
Nacelle - Spain
Nacelle - Spain
Container - Australia
Spool Kits - Indonesia
Module - Australia
Conveyor - Australia
E-Houses - Australia
Lin Tank - Australia